40 Sparklers Alphabet Photoshop Overlay

In this collection, you can see 40 Sparklers Alphabet Photoshop Overlay and various shapes with brilliant effects, which are placed on the site in JPG format for download. Photo Overlays – great for create you photo more interesting and beautiful. These sparkler overlays are a game-changer. As a wedding photographer I’ve had some rough times trying to get perfect sparkler designs during weddings with limited time and little control over lighting at the location.

40 Sparklers Alphabet Photoshop Overlay

CM Sparklers Alphabet Photoshop Overlay 40 image clip art of alphabet letters and various shapes with brilliant effects | 101 MB | JPG format

You will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and know how to work with the layers.
Each is in separate layer – VERY EASY TO USE.

40 file

in jpg format

( 300dpi)

Password is: dgpik.com

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How to use Overlay in Photoshop

By dgpik